The activities that I have participated and organized that are in line with my advocacies...

Archive for 2/1/11 - 3/1/11

Brigada Talento: a talk on Marketing, Management, Operations and Finance

This article was made by Vernie Naraja and Marc Joseph Estenzo. The students of Ma'am Misa who are busy making a business plan for a funeral parlor As part of the Brigada Talento of the USC Commerce Days, the Department of Business Administration

USC College of Commerce holds Mr. and Ms. Commerce 2011

Through the great efforts of the USC College of Commerce Collegiate Student Council, Mr. Richard Abella, some of Cebu’s Fashion designers and Professional make-up artists, the search for Mr. and Ms. Commerce 2011, last Friday, February 18, became

A short talk with Ma'am Prateep Ungsongtham-Hata

Last December 25, 2010, at a conference in Hotel Elsereine Osaka, Japan, I had a chance to meet a former senator of Thailand, Ma’am Prateep Ungsongtham-Hata. When I first saw her, I felt the aura of the late President Cory Aquino—strong, patriotic,